Why Kareem Hunt Never Faced Charges for Abuse and Assault

Kareem Hunt started his career in National Football League (NFL) as the Kansas City Chiefs' running back. He was selected in 2017 in the third round of the NFL Draft. Unfortunately, he was released from the team after being accused of abuse, assault, and domestic violence. Hunt made headlines for quite some time after the

Kareem Hunt started his career in National Football League (NFL) as the Kansas City Chiefs' running back. He was selected in 2017 in the third round of the NFL Draft. 

Unfortunately, he was released from the team after being accused of abuse, assault, and domestic violence. Hunt made headlines for quite some time after the news surfaced. 

However, he faced no legal charges. Aside from the charges, the backlash Hunt met did not stop him from building his career in the NFL. 

Even though he was dropped from the Kansas City Chiefs, he continued with Cleveland Browns. Here is everything we know about Hunt and the allegations of abuse and assault. 

Kareem Hunt's Abuse and Assault 

On November 30, 2018, TMZ obtained and released a video of Hunt assaulting a woman. The incident is said to have happened on February 10, 2018. 

The video featured him kicking and shoving a 19-year-old lady in a Cleveland hotel. At first, the NFL player is seen arguing with the woman in front of his hotel room at 3:22 AM. 

Kareem Hunt posing for a picture. (Source: Instagram)

Then the woman left, and Hunt turned a corner to confront her. He then shoved her badly, to which the girl retaliated by hitting him in the face. 

This made Hunt mad to the extent that he started to abuse and assault the woman. His friends try to hold him back, but all in vain. 

He even knocked one of his friends into the lady, and both hit a wall pretty badly. Then, while they were dazed from the blow, Hunt went to the woman and kicked her badly. 

After the altercation, police were called, but Hunt was not arrested for assault and abuse. The woman gave a statement to the police saying Hunt kicked her out of his room. 

This happened after she allegedly refused to hook up with one of Hunt's men. Hunt's friends claimed the lady called the NFL player the n-word after being asked to leave. 

Moreover, the fight was started by her after she hit one of Hunt's female friends. In 2018, Hunt was accused of three assaults alone. 

The other two assault cases were men allegedly beaten by the NFL player and his friends. No charges were filed against Hunt in these situations as well. 

The Aftermath of Abuse and Assault

After the video went viral, Hunt issued a statement. He said he regretted his actions and apologized for them. 

Furthermore, he admitted he wanted to move away from the situation. Following the NFL player's statement, Kansas City Chiefs also issued one of their own. 

They revealed they knew about the incident before it was publicized. In addition, NFL and law enforcement had investigated it and questioned Hunt. 

Several members from their management directly spoke to Hunt, but the latter "was not truthful in those discussions." Since they did not know the complete truth, Hunt continued as the running back for the Chiefs. 

The NFL player in his Cleveland Brown uniform. (Source: Instagram)

However, once the video went viral and saw the actual truth, they immediately released Hunt. It was said that there would be charges against the NFL player, but nothing happened. 

This was mainly because the woman Hunt assaulted was not cooperating with the prosecutors. She was silent regarding the matter, and thus, Hunt walked free from any charges. 

 As a result, he continued to build his career in the NFL. He was signed to the Cleveland Browns on February 11, 2019. He was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List, but in November 2019, it was reinstated. 

He is still signed to the Browns and will play for them until his contract expires.

